The Energetics segment of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. is under a significant transformation, by which the centre of gravity is shifted in the industry. Our strategic goal is to make our Company a key player in the domestic energy market in the long run and herewith to contribute to the long-term and stable profitability.

Torda Balázs was graduated as an electric engineer at the Faculty of Electric Works of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He started his career in Tatabánya in the area of power supply operation and then he gained leadership experience as an operative manager, which established the subsequent performance of leadership tasks of strategic level.
Following the privatization of the national energetics companies, he managed integration and restructuring projects in multinational environment at the Hungarian companies of E.ON, herewith continuously optimizing the quality and the efficiency of the energy supply. He performed a dominant role in the technological modernization regarding the energy network of the corporate group and in the renewal of the operational processes.
In the last period of his career at E.ON, until 2019, as the regional manager of E.ON Észak-Dunántúli Power Grid Private Limited Company, he supported the large-scale development of the region’s economy by the supply of reliable electricity with the help of 700 colleagues. From 2019, he continued his professional career as the manager of Roneko Kft., an electrical industry constructor company. In September 2020, he joined to TIGÁZ as a general deputy chief executive officer holding 35 years of professional experience in the energetics service industry and more than 30 years of leadership experience. Here, his main responsibility, in addition to the implementation of the ownership change, is the professional management of the project preparing the acquisition of E.ON Tiszántúli Power Grid Private Limited Company.
TIGÁZ Földgázelosztó Zrt.
In 2021, OPUS GLOBAL Plc. gained indirect right to manage in TIGÁZ Gas Distributor Private Limited Company. TIGÁZ Plc. is a reliable, stable company with a history of several decades, of which main task is to ensure an uninterrupted supply of natural gas. The company operates a 33,760 km long gas pipeline network in Hungary, which provides gas to more than 1.2 million households in 1,092 settlements. Over the past almost 70 years, it has accumulated outstanding expertise at the industry level and has become a key player in the Hungarian energy industry. The value of the company’s gas pipeline assets exceeds HUF 110 billion.