Company history

Since the establishment in 1912, our Company has overcome many turning points to be what it is today. In particular, it was significant when the Company became the member of issuers at Budapest Stock Exchange Private Limited Company.

The Company shares were listed at BSE on 22 April 1998. A significant reorganization program was performed between 1999 and 2009.  As a result of that a holding dealing with asset management was established primarily upon the management of companies with different profiles.  The year 2017 meant a milestone in the life of the Company as both the ownership and management structure went through a serious transformation. In the first six months of 2017, Mészáros Lőrinc obtained more than 24% ownership in the Company.

Within the framework of the new strategy, our company changed its name to OPUS GLOBAL Plc. in 2017, and performed significant restructuring in relation to our portfolio, namely enriching our investments with assets carrying high value. Thanks to the aforesaid, the own equity of OPUS Group was increased by eighteen times in 2018. As a result of the restructuring, our shares, strengthened fundamentally, were entered into premium category at the stock exchange, and since then, we have been counted in the key index basket. 

As a result of capital increase OPUS GLOBAL Plc. became the 5th biggest capitalized company at BSE upon including more leading Hungarian economic manufacturing industry sectors in its portfolio. In the interest of establishing and maintaining market embeddedness and investor trust, our Company merged with KONZUM Plc. in 2019.

There was no example for such merger of two public issuers in the Hungarian stock exchange history until then. The merger did not only bring significant changes in the structure of OPUS GLOBAL Plc. portfolio, but its fundamentals, values and organization were all affected. We adopted our strategy to the changes, upon the organizational restructuring we ceased parallelism, and respectively we merged functions.

Thereby, we performed more transparent operation upon cost rationalizing. In the interest of handling our expanded portfolio at holding level we specified our strategical divisions and its directions. Thanks to our diverse investments we became a well-capitalized Company listed in the stock exchange with stable fundamentals. Our aim is to maintain and strengthen the dominant role of OPUS Corporate Group in the domestic economy.

Board of Directors



Détári – Szabó


Dr. Lélfai
Koppány Tibor




Zoltán Péter




Supervisory Committee

Chief Officers


Lélfai Koppány


Mission /OPUS GLOBAL is a future-oriented manufacturing and service provider corporate group, which brings quality and innovation into the energetics, industrial production and food industry, and into the tourism industry to serve the economic operators and private consumers for long term by means of the values created.


Vision/We wish to become the leading, manufacturing and service provider corporate group in Hungary by means of our innovative, profit and quality-oriented approach upon calculating on the outstanding expertise and individual experience of our experts at our organization.

Awards and recognitions

OPUS GLOBAL Nyrt.BÉT Legek 2018, Az év alaptőke-emelése (Konzum)
BÉT Legek 2019, Az év alaptőke-emelése
MÉSZÁROS ÉS MÉSZÁROS KFT.Építőipari Nívódíj, 2019, Közlekedési létesítmények kategória – Győr-Gönyű Országos Közforgalmú Kikötő infrastrukturális továbbfejlesztése (az A-Híddal és a Swietelsky-vel megosztva)
Mies van der Rohe 2019-jelölés
WAMSLER SEMagyar Termék Nagydíj (2010, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2013)
Design Management Díj, 2010
Magyar Formatervezési Díj, 2013 (Zeta Club Edition by WAMSLER exkluzív kandalló)
KALL INGREDIENTS KFT.OMÉK 2019 Élelmiszeripari Nagydíj, 3. Helyezett: KALL Ingredients Kft., termék: F95 extra magas fruktóz tartalmú kukoricaszirup
OMÉK legszebb standja, 2019 – Talentis Agro Zrt., a Kall Ingredients Kft. és a Viresol Kft. közösségi stand (Flamingo24 by Talentis Kft.):
Magyar Agrárgazdasági Minőségi Díj (MAMD), 2020
VIRESOL KFT.Az Év agrárberuházása, 2019
HUNGUEST HOTELS ZRT.Kilencszeres Magyar Brands-díj (2010 óta)
Ötszörös SuperBrands-díj (2014 óta)
Turizmus és vendéglátás ágazati értéktár tagjai az elsők között: Hunguest Grandhotel Galya és Hunguest Hotel Palota
Az év legjobb szállodalánca (Magyar Turizmus Rt. díja, 2003)
Magyar Turizmus Minőségi Díjak
Nemzetközi gasztronómiai sikerek (számos aranyérem szakács-világbajnokságokon és szakácsolimpiákon)
Crystal Lotus-díj, – Hunguest Hotel Sóstó**** –
Év Szállása 2019 – Szakmai Díj I. hely
Bocuse d’Or Magyarország 2020 – 2. helyezett  – Sirha Budapest Desszert Versenyén Vaszilovics Ádám (Hunguest Hotel Pelion) és Szőke Adrienn (Hunguest Hotel Helios) cukrászok; Kelemen Roland, a hajdúszoboszlói Hunguest Hotel Aqua-Sol
Magyarország legjobb wellness szállodája 2015-ben a Hunguest Hotel Forrás****superior, Szeged
Magyarország legjobb ****-os vidéki konferencia szállodája 2009-ben: Hunguest Hotel Pelion, Tapolca
Magyarország legjobb vidéki wellness-szállodája 2008-ban: Hunguest Hotel Pelion, Tapolca
Magyarország legjobb ***-os konferenciaszállodája 2006-ban: Hunguest Hotel Palota, Lillafüred
Legjobb vidéki négycsillagos szálloda 2005-ben: Hunguest Hotel Pelion, Tapolca


Within the framework of its internal operation, the Board of Directors strives to ensure that its members are to be nominated from professionals with knowledge of strategic areas in conformity with the divisions of the Company, as well as from recognized experts with experience in money and capital markets and / or business life. The Company continuously examines the elements of its internal regulatory system, their compliance with applicable legislation and other regulations, and at least once a year, by 31 December of each year, the latest, comprehensively reviews and amends the hereof, and if necessary, initiates drafting and entry into force the new regulatory documents.


The Management consists of the General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, the Audit Committee, which, completed by the heads of the individual divisions, perform decision-preparatory and operational decision-making tasks within the framework of the applicable legislation and internal regulations – primarily within the framework of the Organizational and Operational Regulations. The Company compiled its Corporate Governance report in line with the Corporate Governance Recommendations (23 July 2018) on corporate governance practices published by Budapest Stock Exchange Private Limited Company, which is submitted to the General Meeting in a separate document in details by the Company.